The Narcissist Family Files is an award-winning international resource for survivors of narcissistic trauma, founded by journalist and author of The Narcissist in Your Life Julie L. Hall.

Julie’s original blog Narcissist Family Files contains articles on narcissistic family systems and trauma; her latest blog Deconstructing Narcissism contains articles on the interconnected problems of traumatic attachment, societal narcissism, ecological crisis, and fascism:

A blog about the narcissistic family
A blog about societal narcissism

More About This Website

Julie writes, speaks, and consults internationally about narcissistic family systems and trauma and is working on a new book about societal narcissism. She is on hiatus from one-on-one coaching but still offers consultations for those wishing to discuss specific questions or issues. 

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The Narcissist in Your Life book cover

Narcissism Is an Abusive Disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a disabling condition rooted in insecure attachment and other socially alienating experiences (often including empty praise and unearned entitlement). Narcissistic people are neurologically dysregulated, intra- and inter-personally alienated, hyper-defensive, delusional, grandiose, and relationally antagonistic. Lacking a stable core, they vacillate between idealization and contempt in how they see themselves and others, and they rely on masking and externalities to manage their emotions and self-esteem.

Life with a narcissist is traumatizing. Partners and children are targeted with endless demands, rage, blame, shame, guilt, gaslighting, and other destructive behavior meant to scaffold the narcissist’s grandiose yet hopelessly fragile self. Because of their poor emotional processing, lack of empathy, contortions of reality, and compulsive denials and projections, narcissistic personalities elicit a fear/danger response in those around them that over time activates debilitating hypervigilant and/or dissociative states. The results are devastating for family members, especially children.

Educating Yourself

Whether you’re still in the thick of it with the narcissist(s) in your life or trying to make sense of the past, the fact that you are looking for answers is good news. Acknowledging the problem and working to understand it are the first steps to healing. Through understanding, we learn that

  • we are not alone;
  • we are not to blame for how we have been hurt (contrary to what we have been told); and
  • we can heal and release the pain we have carried, many of us since birth.

Giving Back

Here are ways you can help this free resource thrive:

  1. Give Julie’s book to friends/family.
  2. Share what you see here.
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  4. Make a donation.
  5. Buy Julie coffee!

Start Reading

Here are some articles to get started with:

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Featured photo by Julie L. Hall.