The Narcissist Family Files is an award-winning international resource for survivors of narcissistic abuse and trauma, founded by journalist and author of The Narcissist in Your Life Julie L. Hall.

Here you will find insight and a vocabulary for your experiences, as well as strategies for coping and healing.

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Narcissism Is an Abusive Disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a disabling condition most likely the result of insecure attachment in infancy/childhood. The narcissist fails to develop stable self-esteem or empathy and mounts a defense against underlying feelings of vulnerability and shame with self-aggrandizing compensations.

Life with a narcissist is combative, debilitating, and sometimes dangerous. Partners and children are targeted with rage, blame, guilt, gaslighting, and other destructive tactics meant to scaffold the narcissist’s grandiose yet hopelessly fragile self. If you have narcissistic family members, you have experienced trauma and may be suffering with posttraumatic stress.

Educating Yourself

Whether you’re still in the thick of it with the narcissist in your life or trying to make sense of the past, the fact that you are looking for answers is good news. Acknowledging the problem and working to understand it are the first steps to healing. Through understanding, we learn that

  • we are not alone;
  • we are not to blame for how we have been hurt (contrary to what we have been told); and
  • we can release the pain we have carried, many of us since birth.


For those looking to connect and receive more support, Julie offers coaching/consulting. Julie is a recognized expert on narcissistic abuse trauma and recovery, who works with clients around the world. Make an appointment:

About This Website

This website contains more than 75 articles about narcissistic abuse trauma and recovery. Many of them first appeared on Psychology Today, HuffPost, Your Tango, and Psych Central. You can use the search function on the Home page to look for topics or scroll down the Home page to find every article on this site.


Julie hears from readers every day. Here are samples of what people are saying (read more):

“The Narcissist Family Files is the best, most detailed, and extensive writing about narcissism on the interwebs.”—Colleen

“I’ve been voraciously reading your articles. I am in utter disbelief that someone can so accurately describe my childhood growing up under a narcissist mother and enabling father. Thank you for making a stranger feel like I am not crazy finally!” —Dan

“‘You’ve saved my life’ is an understatement.” —Jana

“I found your website yesterday and wanted to thank you for putting it out into the world: It is a true godsend! It is the best resource for survivors of narcissistic parenting and abuse I have found—well-written and highly informative. Thank you so much! I will be following your blog and reading your books when they come out!” —Wendy Gillissen, clinical psychologist & author

About Julie L. Hall

Julie is the author of The Narcissist in Your Life: Recognizing the Patterns and Learning to Break Free, available for preorder now. She writes about narcissism for outlets such as Psychology Today, HuffPost, Your Tango, and Psych Central and has been interviewed as an expert by Vogue/Goop and HuffPost. She began writing about NPD to understand her family and work her way out of corrosive narcissistic relationships and trauma. Read more about Julie.

Making Contact

Julie welcomes your feedback. You may post your thoughts in the comments section under posts or email her at

To receive new articles and news about Julie’s book, subscribe for email notifications on the Home page or send her an email with “subscribe” in the subject line.

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  1. Give Julie’s book to friends/family.
  2. Share what you see here.
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  5. Buy Julie coffee!

Start Reading

Here are some articles to get started with:

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Featured photo by Julie L. Hall. Photo of Julie courtesy of Salandpen.