Child of Narcissists Goes from ‘Death Dealer’ to Healer

A child of narcissists, Charlotte was seven years old when she became in her words the “death dealer” on her family’s makeshift farm. At her mother’s insistence, the family moved from D.C. to acreage in rural Virginia and embarked on a grand experiment as DIY farmers. Having no experience to guide them, they began collecting animals, from cows and horses and pigs, to sheep and goats, to cats and dogs, and all manner of poultry.

Harsh Lessons

Charlotte’s first time watching chicks hatch lurched from delighted wonder to a harsh lesson in the dirty work of farming and a prescribed part in the family script that would shape her life. After one of the chicks emerged deformed and quivering with its stomach outside of its skin, Charlotte’s mother leaned into her daughter, just home from second grade, and hissed, “Get rid of it—it won’t live.” When Charlotte asked what she should do with the misshapen chick, her mother snapped, “Figure it out!”

Charlotte was good at figuring things out, and her resourcefulness made her the go-to “super kid” as a child of narcissists in a family with an abusive mother who hit, insulted, rejected, and neglected her two daughters and an absent, self-centered father who used passive-aggressive manipulation to get his way.

Charlotte said her older sister, Maggie, adopted “learned helplessness” to cope, while Charlotte became hyperresponsible. “Our mother smacked me around more, but she criticized Maggie the most, constantly telling her she was useless. Maggie went ‘spaghetti legs,’ so I was the one who had to deal with stuff.”

The Family “Finisher”

Charlotte’s appointed role as scapegoat became a terrifying matter of survival when she came upon her mother slaughtering a pig one day. “She had suspended a large boar upside down in a tree,” Charlotte said. “Blood was filling a bucket below a gaping slash in his throat. Entrails were spilling out like snakes. The other pigs were screaming. She yanked on my arm and told me, ‘Shut up and do what I tell you or you go in that tree with it.'”

Faced with botched castrations, fumbled births, interrupted fox attacks, and “butcheries gone horribly wrong,” Charlotte became the family finisher, the one who completed the job, no matter how gruesome, and buried the dead. “I was accurate with a pistol and hatchet, strong for my age. I had to be. It takes a lot of digging to bury a 2,000-pound cow. As I looked into her huge liquid eyes I felt guilt and shame at what I was made to do—and terror over what would happen to me if I didn’t,” she said.

Charlotte’s father was gone a lot, working a job with a long commute. At home, Charlotte said, he fought constantly with her mother, who vented her anger at her kids and slipped into alcoholism. “Dad was clingy with my mother but also critical of her—he was a dependent narcissist who wanted attention and needed everyone to do things for him,” she said.

Being ‘Parentified’

Charlotte said her father turned a blind eye to his wife’s abuse of their kids and didn’t have time for her unless he needed to vent about her mother. “I remember once he took me for a drive and started crying about Mom. I was terrified, because I was maybe 6 or 7 and had no idea what he was talking about. He was so out of control. I needed him to be the adult, and he was looking to a child for comfort. Thinking back on it makes me want to vomit. He didn’t touch me, but it felt like emotional incest.”

Charlotte’s father continued to “parentify” her until at about 16 she told him she would no longer listen to him talk about her mother. Around the same time, when she was finally the same height she stood up to her mother’s raised hand and said, “Are you really gonna hit me?”

Charlotte’s mother’s abuse lessened somewhat after that, but her father continued to bait and manipulate her. “He told rude jokes and tried to convince me to convert to this extremely bigoted church he’d joined.” Now, decades later and several years since Charlotte severely limited contact with her father, he still sends her racist and sexist spam, she said, “to elicit a response.”

Dad Gets It ‘Right’

When Charlotte was 11, her brother came along, at which her father announced, “A son! I finally got it right.” By then Charlotte was doing most of the cooking and laundry, paying bills, and fielding calls from creditors. She started caring for her brother when her mother complained that he was “a screamy baby.”

Charlotte said, “My plan was to graduate early and go in the military for school and freedom. . . . I put my plan aside to look after my brother because I was afraid of what could happen to him.”

Little brother quickly became the family “golden child,” indulged and absolved from responsibility. Their father in particular infantilized him, overlooking it when his son would steal from the family, not making him do chores, giving him cars, bailing him out of jail.

“I resented my brother, but what made me most angry was how my father made him helpless,” Charlotte said. “My father needed to be needed. He never encouraged his son to go to college. Dad has him and his girlfriend and their kids set up in a house next to his. My brother doesn’t know how to hold down a job. His wife has never worked. Dad made him arrogant, but he didn’t give him confidence. He’s a slave to our father’s issues. I feel terrible for my niece and nephew.”

A Path to Survival

Charlotte eventually left home and worked her way through college and then graduate school, the first in her family to do so. In time she went into the field of counseling. “I didn’t consciously pursue it as a way to heal myself, but I’ve found that the most valuable part of my work has been the unexpected benefit of gaining education and insight about my family dynamics and spreading this to others. This insight has allowed me to see that I did not cause these events and that as a child I was an innocent in this chaos, simply trying to survive.”

Like so many children of narcissists, Charlotte and her sister have struggled with self-esteem and health problems that Charlotte believes are related to early trauma. Neither had children for fear of continuing the family legacy. Charlotte has had symptoms of PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder), an autoimmune thyroid disease, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), fibromyalgia, and gallstones.

Helping Bit by Bit

Charlotte counts herself fortunate too, especially knowing she is helping people from similar circumstances in her practice: “Having the ability to support and validate the experiences of others as they break free is a gift. While I realize there is no karmic balance sheet, I feel a purpose when I can help ‘even the score’ bit by bit, person by person, as they pull themselves up and out.”

Helpful? Buy me a coffee.

Julie L. Hall is the author of The Narcissist in Your Life: Recognizing the Patterns and Learning to Break Free coming December 3, 2019, from Hachette Books. Preorder your copy now.

Need support? Julie provides specialized narcissistic abuse recovery coaching to clients around the world.

Related Articles by Julie L. Hall

Featured image courtesy of Victor, Creative Commons. 

Julie L Hall:

View Comments (7)

  • Thank you for these articles. They read like my life. I so resented the "forgive and forget" bs and the "get over it already" situations. Sonewhere deep inside it always felt like it was minimizing my feelings and beliefs. Almost like a no big deal thing and let me tell ya it was always a monumental injury. My therapists and drs had no clue. They would even call my mother in for a consult. Yeah that was real helpful!!! Life gets better everyday. Keep kicking this pig!!!

    • Unfortunately it's all too real, but so many of us deal with denial and minimization, making the trauma all the harder to heal from. Good luck to you Rebecca.

      • I have traveled a long way on this road. I have healed so much in the past year. I have also learned a lot of the red flags of toxic people. I don't put myself in the firing line today. I am very cautious. I lost a lot of innonence but gained solid wisdom. It has made life pretty much drama free. It is sad but it seems to be a situation that is everywhere and getting larger. Something for nothing. I help and educate others. I am so very greatful that people are recognising and speaking out about this horror. I found my way because others spoke out. Peace and Grace. R.

  • I could be Charlotte! My father never had that "golden boy" though. He did have 5 daughters and 2 stepdaughters. I don't talk to most of my family, including him. I am figuring out how to heal with my mother's golden (and only other) child. It is difficult because we remember childhood VERY differently. I still talk to my mother, she has gotten "better" (more tolerable?) with age/since I realized I could hit back.

    I just hope my son doesn't have to deal with anything remotely like my childhood! I had severe postpartum issues for the first couple years of his life, but now that he is 4 I am doing much better. I still have a ways to go, but I am not giving up.

  • Oh what a great, great story Ms Hall. Thank you so much for your work, and this blog is healing. It truly is! One of my siblings I had not understood, no- truly grasped the whole "raised by narcissists" thing- I knew our mother was, and still is of course- a monster, but being ignorant of the whole narcissism personality disorder, I was incapable of seeing it for what it was. THANK YOU. A close sibling of mine has been trying to explain this to me for some time, but I didn't quite "click" it until reading your blog. Seeing it with new eyes!

    God bless "Charlotte". There is, or was, a few yrs ago, homesteading article that featured a young girl, very healthy and attractive looking- she couldn't have been over 14 or 15 yrs old, who was a very experienced and capable farm animal slaughterer and on that blog she gave detailed instructions on the how-to's of swine & chicken slaughtering. I wonder if it was she?

    Reading victims experiences, reading some comments is in itself therapy. These people woke up! They figured it out. For me, what is my healing is realizing there is not going to be a Hallelujah moment with my mother. She will never concede, she will never love, nor admit wrongdoing. THIS is key, Ms Hall I do believe it is tantamount to the therapy process, there are those who acknowledge this, but don't believe it. They have this hope- I had that hope, yet reading your blog it solidified the fact in my self that to hope that some day my mother will come clean is futile. For those not in NPD families, that realization sounds pathetic, like giving up- it isn't. It's darn important, and you won't heal without accepting that fact.

    I do disagree with the emotion-caused medical issues however, we as human beings break down, get ill and die each and every one of us. I do have an open and enquiring mind, so leaving that chance open that it could be a possibility, health/mind relations. A Scientologist friend of mine (I am not one, mind you) told me arthritis comes from anger! Which, actually sounds kind of interesting to me.

    Oh well- again, God Bless Charlotte and Bless you too, Ms Hall. You've made a wonderful, wonderful helpful blog and it has helped me beyond measure. It's so encouraging to know that if I myself was helped by this myself, there must be countless others who it's helped also.

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