As the saying goes, we often hurt the ones we love, but many narcissists torture others deliberately, whether to boost their self-esteem or for sadistic enjoyment, or both.
Merriam-Webster defines torture as “the infliction of intense pain to coerce, punish, or afford sadistic pleasure” and “anguish of body or mind.” Anyone who has had the misfortune of being targeted by a narcissist knows very well that torture is in fact precisely the word for the experience. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is by nature an abusive disorder because of narcissists’ deficient development of ego and empathy, which leads them to compensate with inflated entitlement and self-importance in the absence of a moderating conscience.
Those closest to people with NPD, such as a partner/spouse and children, are at most risk of torturous behavior. It can range from psycho-emotional to physical and sexual, but it is inevitable because narcissists don’t care if they hurt others while at the same time are often attempting to exert control and dominance, whether overtly or covertly expressed.
“Coercion” is the first part of the dictionary definition of torture. Narcissists coerce others, especially their family, to uphold the manufactured identity they create for themselves in place of the vulnerable instability they experience beneath their assertions of superiority. They continuously justify their neglect and abuse of others, and they resort to coercion to exact cooperation and/or submission from those they are violating.
Coercive Tactics
Narcissists torture others using these common coercive tactics to gain compliance:
- Isolation removing the target’s independence, such as by restricting contact with friends, outside family, and social connections; constraining physical freedom; and limiting financial resources
- Removal of Free Will destabilizing the target’s fundamental sense of self, reality, and worldview through persistent questioning and negative judgment
- Instilled Powerlessness undermining the target’s confidence in his/her thoughts, feelings, and perceptions through distortions of reality, gaslighting, and dismissing and denying truths and facts to cause self-doubt and cognitive dissonance
- Thought Control controlling acceptable opinion and expression in the target through judgment, intimidation, silent treatment, rejection, and unspoken “rules of engagement”
- Terror controlling the target’s words, actions, and thoughts through implied, threatened, or real verbal, physical, and/or sexual violence, sometimes combined with intermittent repentance, promises of change, and/or rewards to keep the target “in the game” and holding out hope for change
“Punishment” is the second part of our dictionary definition of torture. Narcissists are not capable of sustained genuine love, loyalty, or respect for others, even and often especially those who in fact love and are loyal and respectful to them. Anyone who triggers, usually inadvertently, their repressed insecurity (early attachment trauma), is fair game for a host of punishments. Narcissists punish for numerous reasons, and they do it without remorse believing others deserve it and would do the same to them if they were clever enough and/or given the chance.
Reasons for Punishment
- to control
- to get revenge
- to demonstrate their powers of influence
- to obtain/regain compliance
- to vent their rage
- to assert their entitlement
- to shut down potential or actual threats
- to defeat “competition”
- to display their dominance
- to get “respect”
- to create fear
- to derive sadistic pleasure
Sadistic Pleasure
Here we come to the third part of our dictionary definition of torture: “sadistic pleasure” in pursuit of causing “anguish of body or mind.” Some narcissists are on the malignant end of the spectrum, meaning their primary means of exerting control over their environment is through serial aggression, dominance, and abuse. Many malignant narcissists are also sadistic, experiencing pleasure, often sexual, through torturing others. They aren’t hurting others just because they lack a conscience and are trying to moderate their self-esteem. They are doing it also because they enjoy and even delight in humiliating, dominating, defiling, and dehumanizing others. People with NPD are not necessarily sadistic, but the ones who are make monstrous abusers who will torment those, in a parallel universe, they are meant to love.
Thank you to The Neurotypical Site for insights into psychological coercion based on Amnesty International definitions, adapted here.
Listen to Julie being interviewed on The Addicted Mind Podcast and Narcissist Apocalypse Podcast.
Julie L. Hall is the author of The Narcissist in Your Life: Recognizing the Patterns and Learning to Break Free from Hachette Books.
Need support? Julie provides specialized narcissistic abuse recovery coaching to clients around the world.
Related Articles by Julie L. Hall
- 12 Unspoken Rules of Engagement in the Narcissistic Family
- Big Sissies: How and Why Narcissists Get Worse with Age
- The Narcissistic Family: Cast of Characters and Glossary of Terms
- Narcissist Parents Are Hurt Machines to Their Children
- Understanding Narcissistic Rage and Why It Is Not Your Fault
- What the Narcissist Fears Most
- The Challenge of Setting Boundaries with Narcissist Parents
- The Dos and Don’ts of CoParenting with a Narcissist Ex
- Horrid and Shocking Things Narcissists Say and Do
- The Overt Versus Covert Narcissist: Both Suck
- Seven Things Narcissists Will Never Do
- The Hidden Trauma of Neglect in the Narcissistic Family
- Enabling the Narcissist: How and Why It Happens
- How Narcissists Torture Others and Believe They’re Right to Do It
- Seven Sure-Fire Ways to Spot a Narcissist
- Maddening and Bizarre Things Narcissists Do Explained
- Behind the Narcissist Mask: The Bully, Coward, Liar and Fraud
- Why You Should Not Feel Sorry for the Narcissist
- Adult Children of Narcissists Face Trauma-Induced Health Risks
- Raised by a Narcissist? 11 Healing Things to Do for Yourself Right Now
- What Raging Narcissists Break: A Real-Life Damage List
- The Burden of the Golden Child in the Narcissistic Family
- Narcissism 101: A Glossary of Terms for Understanding the Madness
- The Narcissism Disease Cluster in Families and How to End the Cycle
- A Daughter’s Story of One Hell of a Narcissistic Mother
- The Narcissist Parent’s Psychological Warfare: Parentifying, Idealizing, and Scapegoating
- Raised by Narcissists? Why You Can’t Afford the Wrong Therapist
- 4 Insidious Ways That Narcissistic Abuse Isolates the Victim
- It’s You and Me Baby: Narcissistic Head Games
- Identifying the Covert Narcissist in Your Life: A Checklist
- How and Why Narcissists Are Highly Skilled Abusers
- The Strength of the Narcissistic Family Scapegoat
- Life in the Fun House: Narcissistic Mirroring and Projection
- The Paradox of the Narcissist’s Unrequited Self-Love
- A Golden Child Story of Guilt in the Narcissistic Family
- How to Protect Your Children from Your Narcissist Spouse
- 9 Best of the Worst Narcissist Mothers on Screen
- Understanding the Narcissist’s Disrespect, Envy, and Contempt
- Healing a Sense of Foreshortened Future in Adult Children of Narcissists
- The Narcissist’s Caretakers: Caught Hook, Line, and Sinker
In assisting a friend I have encountered the worst NPD i have ever seen. It is the worst things I have ever read or seen. I am pretty sure sex traffickers would be more humane than this. At least a trafficker is motivated by money instead of sadistic control and emotional torture.
You have no idea, as the expression goes! My mother is a NPD- emotional torture type. She and my father, but with mother at the helm of the narcissism, absolutely destroyed my life -emotionally- and so insidiously. On the outside, we are a “middle-class” family with all the bells and whistles of the appearance a middle class family…
But, let me just say, when that front shuts and the company and friends leave after their visit, the narcissistic sham reality sets in; the cognitive dissonance, the removal of free will, the thought control, the targeting, and shall I continue. I am 52 now and just now starting to live.
Yes, absolute emotional torture. And, I am a well-educated and motivated individual who cares about her work, her friends, and contributing. But, you know, and here is the “but,” I never really had a career. Like a tried and true long-term career because of the above that I listed here and the details of what Julia Hall lists here.
Now, I am starting to live, for the first time. I feel like I just graduated from college and am looking for my career as one does, typically, upon graduating.
The stories are just UNBELIEVABLE.
Those reading about NPD, please note that this is a real thing. It is not a “Trump” thing, although he does show some NPD tendencies, but a serious part of a mental health breakdown for those who experience NPD to some degree and form.
This is REAL. What Julia Hall and the other doctors and authors contribute to this field is vital. It is as hidden as sexual abuse is/was/still can be… I had the emotional type… and only my the grace of God did I not end up living under a bridge … after humiliating, dominating, defiling, and dehumanizing parenting, I was just a breeze away from utter destruction.
Please pay attention to this NPD as it is real as real gets and it comes in many forms and degrees. It presents in as many different way as there are people on the planet. Do not be fooled. This is not a game and it is not a farce some made up diagnosis. It is even very difficult to find therapists who understand this Dr. Milken, of Harvard, and Dr. Karyl McBride, of Colorado do! YouTube them, Dr. McBride has been there!
I can so relate to your story. I also had a NPD mother and I barely survived. My Cptsd was debilitating; I was so terrorized I couldn’t eat or sleep for decades. It’s so hard to explain to people with normal parents the horror that we suffered. I live in Austin, Texas. I’m always looking for people with this shared and rare experience.
I will buy you any you want a drink ( which I did more than my fair share of ) so you’ll have to settle coffe. Sorry. What you have said that it made me what I call a NPD alcoholic for almost 50 years out of 62 years. With help of GOD and my 2 children I have been Cold sober for now three years. My NARCISSISTIC partner, she passed away in January 2019 at the young of 74. SHE missed a lot of laughter and good times My kids and I had. Now I’m trying to get rid of ALL the BAGGAGE I’ve accumulated over the years.
Hi what do i do with a husband that is a narc, we married for 21 years and i have no way out of this marriage, he put all my hard earned money which I built a home and he put that and everything on his name, he has gained huge favour within our community and everyone thinks he is awesome…. I need help
The ‘justifications’ a narcissist uses for ‘punishing’ were employed by my narcissistic, elderly former mother-in-law and my former wife against me. It took me YEARS to wake up to the reality that both my former wife and her mother & father were all narcissists. My former wife & her mother also employed the ‘coercion’ tactics regularly against me if they sensed I was beginning to stand up to them. When I expressed a desire for NO CONTACT with my former in-laws the narc rage was unbelievable. My former wife WOULD NOT respect my wishes and kept telling me to ‘just put up with her [mother and father]’. She even turned my stepdaughter against me by enlisting her as a ‘teammate’ (she told her that I didn’t like her narcissistic grandma). Narcissist Mother-in-law/Grandma was ENRAGED when my former wife told her I didn’t like her, and began a smear campaign against me with her friends/neighbors. I’ve been free of these horrible people for 2 years now, and am living a healthy, normal life again.
[…] adults when they reach out for support from people who fail to understand the reality of narcissistic abuse and resulting complex-PTSD. Even well-intentioned people may make matters worse […]
You are very free with “scary” stuff about how your type operate, but less free about what to do about it. In fact, all a real person has to do is to block these sort of things happening to them. And sort out how upset they are about it. And then not be upset anymore. The pictures must be “very comforting” for people under narcissistic attack, a particular type of them, anyway. Also, don’t forget how useful narcissists are to the world, they are often very hard working, successful people.
I fell in love with my wife early on. She was on the bossy side but that did not bother me. I had a good paying job I liked & she suggested my pay go into an account she could use to conserve our money & I agreed. I agreed to an allowance & take my lunches to save money. She said that I should learn to build up my sexual needs & only have sex every other weekend. I reluctantly submitted it it. She began controlling our sexual activity & was forcing me to withhold my orgasms. She asked me to take on doing the laundry because the smell gave her allergies. I was doing most of the house cleaning. I loved her & felt my love getting stronger as I did more for her. The sex began to get more seldom & she told me I was just selfish. She told me not to masturbate because she wanted me ready when she was which was very seldom. I felt my love growing deeper. Yes, you can see how she was manipulating me. She began finding fault in everything I did & she started punishing me. Denying me things & slapping me & even turning me over her lap & spanking my naked ass. I submitted totally. The more she denied & punished me the stronger my feelings of love increased. I needed her & she knew it. I was unaware that she had removed me from the black accounts. My car was getting old & she got me to start taking the bus to work. She got me to like wearing panties. I was begging for sex but was slapped & spanked & told I was a pervert. She began humiliating me in front of others saying I was useless & had a tiny dick. I laughed at that. I was now her total submissive slave & a worshipping husband. I had no way out & I did not want out!
Really? If you have not experienced narcissism, the chances are you wouldn’t know that those who are victims (yes, victims) of being “narcissized” (my word) by one or both parents, can not JUST simply say – okay I am not upset anymore… all done.. . wipe hands with napkin and walk away. The damage is great for many of us.
You are so right, Kristine, my experience is with a sibling and it has been hell to get over. No one understands until you lived it, and I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone.
No one understands and often think we are exaggerating. People have NO idea what we have endured and deep levels of shame. It’s brutal.
Great article. It’s amazing how narc people have a way to keep you in their loop and never let you leave. Thanks for this post.
This aticle hits it n the nail!!! My dad passed but when he and my mom were at it-man did they torture me emotionally! Absolutley crushed me. I am just now crawling out from under the veil. No one needs to join a terrorist group to understand the terrorist just come live in a narcissists home.
Oh my gosh, Gemma! I am so trying to leave! I have plenty of education and am well liked. But, oh my gosh, because of the deep rooted shame and abuse, I never was really able to get myself into a good solid job. I was totally cut down at the knees and so forth… now, I have two prospective places to live and I am praying for a miracle for manna from Heaven!!! I am a grown woman, lives clean, prays, have an excellent resume, have jobs within my field and my area of work consistently but way below my intelligence and abilities and ultimately below my pay grade! I feel like a domestic violence victim. I am running from my mother (instead of a partner) and I feel trapped and tortured. Like something out of a movie. The loop! OMG – the loop with the hook. I could have actually done something amazing with my life. I wanted to go to law school. My parents and sister told me I was dumb!!! My advisor at undergradtold me I was smart enought to attend some very good schools. I wanted to be a prosecuter since the age of 7 or so. Shot down.
I am writing a book on this… I really need to get it out there. It is to help people like us GET OUT!!! and away from the narcs in our lives!
All I can say is Satan..
Depraved, malicious, sadistic, deranged….73 year old “husband” is so unhinged, 10 potential divorce attorney’s said: “I do not want to get involved,” leaving me even more hopeless.
I can’t find anyone who will rent to me despite my hefty financial portfolio, because, I’m on SSD, and I am leaving my home of 30 years, so my rental history, is very ancient.
My credit is 800+ and that;s not even mattering.
Gaslighting went to a whole other level.
He stole a 2 new drop foot braces, I NEED, so I do not catch my toes and fall on my face.
I leave them in the same spot, and I woke up and both disappeared.
Days later, a custom orthodic post a botched tarsal tunnel ankle surgery, disappeared out of 2 pair of shoes.
4 nights in a row,my .5mg of KLONOPIN disappeared out of my med cup, when I left the room to go pee.
I will now be short 4 pills come the months end, but I let my primary care doctor know, I am being gaslighted.
Trying to put me in withdrawal was the end of the line…..DEPRAVED is the word I thought of.
Causing someone to go into a psychosis so they can say; “see, I told you she was crazy.
Our 26 year old son, was home when it all came down and he knows, I do not lose things.
He is VERY upset about this and he has been the most supportive since this new revelation came to him.
I believe, narcissist need to have a red dot branded on their foreheads, to warn others,
WHY IS NONE OF THIS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR that would lead to an arrest?
Stealing a “controlled medication” is suppose to be a 10 year jail sentence,
I’m finding the cops theory to be, “it’s a FAMILY matter, so we aren;t getting involved.”
His primary care doctor told us, he has blocked everyone from talking to me, he now has to “self report”, his issues.
That is the most negligent, CYA response ever.
His blocking us from reporting: “erratic driving, saying “nice day for a murder”, standing in the line at a store, stealing my medication, smashing a desk in the driveway, leaving the burners on, on the stove, thinking a CANCELLATION notice means he “paid it on time, are all red flags that should trigger a referral to a geriatric evaluation.
No, I am not trying to be his POA or be in charge of anything related to him, except bills with my name on them.
Doctors should not ignore any of this. It should signal denial and that is not a path forward.
The system is a facad.
Divorce = men’s life gets 45% better, womans life gets 15% worse.
I had a nutjob mother who used to delight in many ways of torturing her pet target (me) in many ways including being forced to kneel for extended times on dried kidney beans on the linoleum (no pants on) so there was no visible scarring. After she finally died, I became close to an estranged brother who revealed that he went through the same thing.
I also had a dark triad supervisor in a public agency, who lived to mess with subordinates in the worst demeaning ways possible. This guy was highly educated, with an extensive list of credentials. He was very well connected, even though he was a Typhoid Mary, career climbing jerk. He somehow managed to conceal from his highly educated superiors that he was a purely evil scumbag. It was all a game to him.
I am happy to share with you that I lived long enough to see both of these rotten people die. One of the few advantages to getting old, I guess. But these Narcs still have people under their spell. The supervisor got a glowing online article from the last public agency that he worked for. Even his ex wife that he ran around on continuously has nothing but praise for him. Go figure.
Golden brother eulogized narc mom with the most ridiculous headstone in the National Cemetery, which you may see if you ever tour there. If he croaks before me, it’s coming down.
Narcissists are like the demon in the Exorcist. They cannot exist without having victim to slowly destroy. Trying to get the truth out of them will be met with half truths mixed with lies, intimidation, mind games, and outburst of rage if cornered. They know what buttons to push to get someone off balance and upset which gives them energy. They bring evil into the Earth.
My question is based in the article but about another phenomenon that I can’t find yet scientific resources on. How come that narcissist will torture their so called loved ones and convince THEM that she/he ( the torturer) is doing the right thing?